Friday, June 27, 2008


I weigh-in in the morning. I'm a little nervous, but I know from my "bug" earlier in the week I've met my weight loss goal for the week. However, as the week has worn on, I've still worked out; but have once again the mass bloated feeling. I'm quite sick of this. What am I doing wrong, or just not doing at all? I think my body has become so sensitive to even the littlest changes, that I can easily feel "off." Make sense, or am I just kidding myself?

I've been saving to start back up meeting w/ the trainer, and I am just not sure that is going to happen. Sooo many great things come with weight loss; but so do many other things (not complaining - just listing), new running shoes, new shoe inserts, new swimsuit, new bras, new work-out bras, new underwear, new work-out clothes, new regular clothes, more of this, more of that...I know there is more to the list, but it's late and I've been awake since 4:45am. All that to say:

I need to restart my core strengthening (have I blogged this already?), and do not know where to begin. HELP! I loved what she was doing with me and could feel a HUGE difference. Oh and did I mention, I don't want her to think I am quitting or not doing what I so gung-hoedly started? Silly, I know - but the last thing I am is a quitter. ERG!

Frustratedly, I'll go to'll hear from me tomorrow on my weigh-in.