Friday, May 30, 2008

Week in Review

This week has just sucked all around.

Eating: wasn't horrible, but left ALOT to be desired. No menu always throws me off, I can not go w/o making one. I was just plain lazy about it, and that is mentally where I got thrown off.

Working Out: Trainer sessions were great, well maybe today was not so great. I worked hard, but so was not focused today; I know she could tell. I got on the treadmill afterwards and gave myself a mental whooping. RAR! The treadmill calmed me down some, but I still have a bike ride left in me for this evening.

I AM losing weight, so that is great. I'm ready for a mental and physical break tomorrow. I need to mentally and emotionally get my head right this weekend. Even though I will be out of town most of next week, my head will be back in the game...fully.


JRo said...

I was off on Friday too.
Good luck next week.... get your head into the game.. your body already is!