Thursday, May 15, 2008

Did it anyway

Yesterday found out Graham had a virus, and that my sore throat was more the likely the same thing. Needless to say, today his fever was gone, but still cranky if I walked more than 5 feet from him. So Alison got the shaft on swimming with me. HOWEVER, I managed to drag my happy butt to the garage and work that treadmill (even w/ a migraine). Also, managed to nearly kill myself a few times trying to put the fear of God in the boys about touching the treadmill while I am on it. I did get a good work out and the boys got to play outside. Win Win for us all.

I'm working on my goals and hope to get those posted soon. Isn't posting my WEIGHT enough? That took all of my courage. Lately I've changed my tune on keeping those numbers a closely guarded secret, not that I am so proud of them and am dying to tell people; but, how am I going to stay encouraged and working hard if I don't share! Funny that I still don't want Paul to know...HA HA HA HA He has no clue. Side story:
A lllooonnnngggg time ago we were in a store, I was trying on jeans and I needed a bigger size. I asked him to get one for me. He practically yells "A TWELVE?" I about killed him. He was completely clueless! Seriously, now I would love it if I could yell "A TWELVE!" Soon, soon.


JRo said...

You go girl! Good job at making a priority and sticking to it!

Not long till you get that TWELVE!