Thursday, July 10, 2008

Visiting Home

It's Thursday, and I have done great since I have been here. Doing my green smoothies, working out, and for the most part eating well. Naturally, my SiL made queso when we scrapped the other night. AAAGGGGHHHHH!!! I will not be ashamed for eating it, it was delicious! I have been made fun of for the green smoothies, even my uber clean eating Dad; but I will not be put off. Here's my rundown of workouts so far:
Tues 6:15am: bike, 6 miles, not too far but a good ride, core strengthening
Wed 6:20am: walk/run 2miles, 26.4 minutes, slow but GREAT for me, core
Thu 3:30pm: bike, 6 miles w/ brother - FUN, core

Tomorrow I plan on running again. Garmin helped me on Wed stay ahead of my time; however, the tree cover on the greenbelt makes him bleep out of signal alot.

I'm happy, this time out of town, I do not feel so bloated and icky. I guess I am finally in the right direction. Not sure of weight loss, but that worry is put aside until actual weigh-in.