Sunday, July 13, 2008

One Size Down Please

When Paul was in the hospital, I went to Lukes Locker to get new running shoes and shorts. I like fitted knee length shorts, in case you were wondering - I got a Nike pair and they fit and feel so good; size Large. I wore them at my parents house to run in, I was constantly having to pull them up...ERG! Today, my friends, I bought another pair; size MEDIUM! I have not lost a ton of weight over the past 2 weeks, but my body is starting to change shape. It's great. I can not remember the last time I wore medium anything. Size does not matter, but knowing that I am shrinking does!!!

On vaca atthe parentals, I amazingly managed to lose 2 lbs. One I had gained while hubs was at his sickest - but at least I lost that and one more, while relaxing. It was a good test for me to be out of town and still be committed to my goals, I was. Go Me.

Now for the bestest news of all. I am a beginner runner, never have been good at it, etc. This morning I got up and decided to pound the treadmill. And pound I did. Before starting, my goal was 2 miles not matter how I did it. I warmed up for a few minutes and then ran, ran, ran. I ran the whole way. THE WHOLE WAY! I could have cried. I am so very proud of my body. And the bonus, I have been much happier today!

Goals for this week:
Lose 2.5 lbs
Begin core training, 3 days
Cardio, cardio, cardio
Eat clean


JRo said...

Are those green smoothies working their bloatless magic yet?

Laura said...

Girl you know it. Now to firm up the bloatless belly!!!

Ruthie said...

Hey.. thanks for the link! and for dropping by :) I love love love your blog! cant wait to sit and read it!
I noticed your side bar with your weight loss and you are doing AWESOME!
and WOOOWHOoooo for mediums! doesnt that feel great!

hope your day is fantastic!
