Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Leg Day

Julie and I hit the gym this afternoon..er I mean, evening. She was so very sweet at the Smith Machine when I was attempting to remove the 45lb weight. She completely mother hened me, but that is ok. I need that, I am getting to the point where things are not going to be as easy for me! Now for my reasons why evening gym time is not good:
1. cardio crew has allllll cardio machines taken - not that I was needing it
2. muscle heads are hogging the machines and weights
3. if J and I are trying a new machine we don't want to look stupid if we can't figure it out!!!
4. I left the gym at 6:45, so Grandy's was a very EASY stop on the way home to feed me and the boys, hubs has bible study. BTW, they have Super Tuesday steak meal for $2.99, the boys gobbled it up.

The workout was great, so glad we went despite the time. Thank you Julie for helping me keep on track!

p.s. We did look silly trying to figure out the calf thingy...it just had so much weight on it we could not even budge it. We're s-m-a-r-t, and finally mananged to use it!!!


Julie said...

Way to hit the gym twice this week - I think this is the first week (I think, maybe we've done it once) this year we've managed to work our entire body within a week. Go us! You're doing so well! This is so going to pay off when you start trying to drop your baby weight!