Monday, April 25, 2011

And so my journey begins again...15 weeks ago!

A small recap, but no "catching up." 
I started this blog way back when, look in the archives if you need a date!  It was a journal for my journey to losing 50lbs.  Well I almost achieved in, then I got the exciting news I was pregnant, then tragedy struck and we lost Selah at 18weeks.  Between now and then, it has been a journey to mentally regain my self worth and determination.  Yep, it's taken awhile.  But God has moved my life in insurmountable ways.

15weeks ago in walks, Trainer.  It took way longer than I wanted to get back in the swing of daily workouts and to actually lose weight and see change.  Around week 13 this started happening.  I'm excited!

So my journey begins again...want to tag along and see what happens?


Christy@pipandsqueak said...

Hey, your blog was still in my google reader so I see that you started back. Way to go! I look forward to seeing what happens as you restart this journey.