Friday, August 22, 2008

Smoothie Day

I would not classify myself as a complete failure on trying to do a liquid diet day; maybe just someone who is addicted to eating! I made it until dinner yesterday and then caved. I was so hungry. I know what the deal was...during naptime I did not want to fire up the blender, son #2 desperately needed a nap and I did not want that to wake him. By the end of naptime I was completely starving. The part of the day I did make it through was good. I plan on doing it again, Sunday or Monday. This time I will make it the whole day. I'll make a smoothie before naptime.

I've done great on the workouts this week. Today I will be off to the gym for legs. Cardio will come later this evening. I have a whirlwind of cleaning today, for the baby shower is in the morning. Thank you JRo, in advance, for keeping the boys.

p.s. I weighed myself this a.m., I'm down 3lbs. VERY excited about that.


Julie said...

Thank you, Laura, for lighting a fire under me - I get way more out of my workouts when we push each other!