Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well I got up and ran at 6:15a.m. Finally managed to do that. It was a terrible run. I did not even do the last walk/run split. I'm not good at running anyway, so not running in a few weeks greatly hinders me. BUT, I got up and did it, moved my body. So I am happy.

Arm workout today, more to come...


Went to the gym was in a great rhythm, in my 4th exercise of 6 on my arms - then abs when I hear my name called to come to the Kids Klub. I grab a diaper out of my bag, usually Son #2 has pooped. I get in there smile at Jama, "Poop?" I say. "No, Son #1 has to leave the club today." Oh dear Lord. Son #1 was racing his matchbox car up the slide, he was told not to. Little fuzzy on the next part, then Ethan throws the car at her. Nice. Jama puts him in timeout, he throws the chair at her. FOR REAL! So #1 has to leave. First, #1 is a boy, but he is never that completely aggresive. I obviously have slacked off on working with him and voicing his frustrations instead of acting on them. We get my stuff, walk to the car where we had a conversation about how upset I was, etc. etc. etc. etc. #1 did have a rough morning before we even left the house. That should have been my first clue.

Now I am home, it's 11:40 and both boys are in bed. #1 consequence for his actions, #2 did not get alot of sleep last night, woke up early and then fell asleep on the way home - he's by default!

I don't know what I will do to finish the workout. We'll see. I'm frustrated, it was hurtin' so good today. Off to enjoy the quiet for a few minutes...

GO JULIE GO JULIE!!! She lost 2 lbs. You rock.


Ruthie said...

its so hard to get up and get it done that early!

and dont you feel great that its done now?

Yipee for you!

way to go!

JRo said...

Some days are good running days, some days aren't... just like life! You just gotta get out there!

Julie said...

Couldn't have done it without ya, Laura! I'm so sorry you had to deal with all that today. Try to look at it as a learning opportunity for him - I know how hard that is!!