Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Have I mentioned Exhaustion...

All this Olympic activity plus kicking my workouts back up and readying the house has now taken it's toll on me. I can't believe I am actually going to bed. Maybe this will help me possibly getting up early for cardio!

I had another revelation tonight. I am no longer tolerant of average red meats. Great steak, yes. Ground beef in taco salad, no. Although, the salads have been healthy...add in eating spaghetti and BBQ over the weekend...I am a bloated, lethargic mess. I love how I can be so in tune like that with my body now. Maybe tomorrow I will just do a liquid diet to cleanse myself. Sounds good.

Need a funny story before bedtime?
After working out today, Julie brought her kids and my boys back to my house - I was going for my haircut. Naturally, I give her a key to the house. Much later in the day I leave for the grocery store. Shop, get lots of yummy stuff, come home. Shuffle w/ heavy bags to the door. NO KEY! I know exactly where it is, on the counter where Julie left it for me. EERRGG!!! Thank goodness for a fridge in the garage. I call Hubs, he is on his way home...thank you Lord. So the boys and I play in the rain puddles, til Daddy arrives.


Julie said...

I'm glad you weren't stuck out in the rain too long! :) Is it wrong to laugh? Sorry...