Thursday, August 28, 2008

I miss my bike...

I did not get up to ride today! bummer! Son #2 had a rough night. I think he was having nightmares. Everytime I went in there he was screaming about the stuffed animals in his bed. Needless to say, they are all on the floor now. It's hard to wake up early when you have listened to a screaming toddler all night and 1/2 the night they are in bed with you.

I really really wanted that ride this morning. We are driving to Houston this afternoon, and I wanted to get a jump on the car butt. However, I will be packing our dinner instead of stopping at a restaurant to eat. That will help.

I have already scoped out the closest 24Hour Fitness to my parents, it is not far at all. I will be visiting it at least twice while I am away. Julie and I start the next phase in our workout this coming week. I am excited to see what lays ahead.

Shout out:
GO JEN GO JEN GO JEN! She lost 4.5lbs this past week. Proud of you!!!


JRo said...

Go Jen! And go you for planning ahead. Remember, without a plan you will fail... with a plan, even if things come up and you cannot follow it exactly, you are still on your way to WINNING!

Rich and Jen said...

Ok, I better keep up with your blog, since you've been talking about me! ;o)