As everyone knows, being out of town can be hard. Working out, eating right, etc.
I am hear to say, I have at least started off on the right food. Ate a good breakfast, went to the gym, had a green smoothie when I got back...all before 11am. GO ME!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Out of Town
Posted by Laura at 9:19 AM 2 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I miss my bike...
I did not get up to ride today! bummer! Son #2 had a rough night. I think he was having nightmares. Everytime I went in there he was screaming about the stuffed animals in his bed. Needless to say, they are all on the floor now. It's hard to wake up early when you have listened to a screaming toddler all night and 1/2 the night they are in bed with you.
I really really wanted that ride this morning. We are driving to Houston this afternoon, and I wanted to get a jump on the car butt. However, I will be packing our dinner instead of stopping at a restaurant to eat. That will help.
I have already scoped out the closest 24Hour Fitness to my parents, it is not far at all. I will be visiting it at least twice while I am away. Julie and I start the next phase in our workout this coming week. I am excited to see what lays ahead.
Shout out:
GO JEN GO JEN GO JEN! She lost 4.5lbs this past week. Proud of you!!!
Posted by Laura at 7:00 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
When we left the gym today, I was so so so so close to throwing in the towel and driving by Sonic for a coke. That thought left as quickly as it came. Glad I didn't. That does not help me deal with my child or myself!
Posted by Laura at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Well I got up and ran at 6:15a.m. Finally managed to do that. It was a terrible run. I did not even do the last walk/run split. I'm not good at running anyway, so not running in a few weeks greatly hinders me. BUT, I got up and did it, moved my body. So I am happy.
Arm workout today, more to come...
Went to the gym was in a great rhythm, in my 4th exercise of 6 on my arms - then abs when I hear my name called to come to the Kids Klub. I grab a diaper out of my bag, usually Son #2 has pooped. I get in there smile at Jama, "Poop?" I say. "No, Son #1 has to leave the club today." Oh dear Lord. Son #1 was racing his matchbox car up the slide, he was told not to. Little fuzzy on the next part, then Ethan throws the car at her. Nice. Jama puts him in timeout, he throws the chair at her. FOR REAL! So #1 has to leave. First, #1 is a boy, but he is never that completely aggresive. I obviously have slacked off on working with him and voicing his frustrations instead of acting on them. We get my stuff, walk to the car where we had a conversation about how upset I was, etc. etc. etc. etc. #1 did have a rough morning before we even left the house. That should have been my first clue.
Now I am home, it's 11:40 and both boys are in bed. #1 consequence for his actions, #2 did not get alot of sleep last night, woke up early and then fell asleep on the way home - he's by default!
I don't know what I will do to finish the workout. We'll see. I'm frustrated, it was hurtin' so good today. Off to enjoy the quiet for a few minutes...
GO JULIE GO JULIE!!! She lost 2 lbs. You rock.
Posted by Laura at 5:10 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Hanging my head, completely aggravated with myself. My alarm must have turned itself off, wink, I did not wake up until 7:15. I will run this evening.
More later...
Posted by Laura at 5:32 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Made a great smoothie this morning...
Fresh blueberries (1ish cup)
Fresh strawberries (3-4)
One frozen banana
Little milk
Little crushed ice
Scoop vanilla protein
YUMMY! Helped stave off the sweet cravings!
Night Night
Posted by Laura at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Yesterday and today I thought of a lot to post about, now I'm just tired and am going to mostly give you the facts.
Yesterday was my active rest day - so I took Son #1 on a bike ride. We went 2 miles in 20 minutes. I think that is great, considering he is 4 1/2 and still has training wheels. We had a blast racing, and stopping for water breaks. He told me, before we began, that we stop when we are thirsty to get a drink, and we did. So cute. What sheer joy to do something I love to do with a Son I so dearly love AND to get to see such delight in his face.
Today was arms. Julie and I worked it pretty good. If I do not have trouble lifting the hair dryer tomorrow, then I clearly did not work hard enough. I love when I am only in the first set and my arms are already quivering. SWEET!
I was chuckling to myself today at how I seem to think I need to be the "small/loud voice" for some of my girlfriends...ha ha ha
I called Jen out about not working out on Friday
I talk with JRo about not perservering to her goal she wants so bad
I nag Julie about giving up diet coke, and going to the gym with me
Like I'm some Tosca Reno of Dallas. Oh I just crack myself up.
Really, I'm just so pumped about my own goals; I see that I am actually achieving them, I feel so great on the inside and out...why on earth would I not want that for my most beloved girlfriends. They mean the world to me, I want them to see that their goals or desires really are not out of reach. They are waiting to be scooped up and taken to heart/mind/soul/body.
Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV)
23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Colossians 3:23-24 (KJV)
23And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
24Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ
I did well on my eating today, until the Chicken Picatta I had at dinner. Tomorrow is a new day. Also did not do cardio today; but Julie is to ask me tomorrow if I ran in the a.m. MUST GET UP EARLY!!! Sssooooo....
off to bed my friends...
Posted by Laura at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Could not wait until after the baby shower to post...
I reluctantly stepped on the scale this morning, looked down at the number. Stepped off, rubbed my eyes, stepped back on. Yep, 171. WOW! I am very excited. After a plateau, I did not think I'd ever get back on track. She of little faith...
Hubs got donuts for the boys this morning, I opened the bag and saw a little donut hole, I almost ate it. Right before my fingers touched it, I remembered - no sweets! I didn't really want it anyway, I just thought it looked good. However, at the shower today, the petit fors and thumbprint cookies WILL be good - but I will hold strong. They do not help me towards my goal, only temporary bliss followed by a headache.
I may go buy something new today to celebrate that 5lbs. Wwwhhheeeeee!!!!
Posted by Laura at 6:53 AM 2 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Oh how they hurt, and my butt. I'm afraid if I go to bed and keep them still for so long...I won't be able to move them in the morning. Then what kind of shower hostess would I be?
Despite how sore we will be, Julie and I had a great workout. We laughed about how we will feel at the shower tomorrow. So glad it is rest day.
I will finally weigh-in in the morning. So be on the lookout for a weight post.
A seperate note:
I went shopping for a shirt, for the shower, to wear with the only bottoms that fit me - my bermudas. After 2 stores, I gave up. I've changed alot and am having to adjust to what looks best on me. I did see some very cute jeans, on a whim, tried them on. I got a 14 and a 12. I tried on the 14s first, did not want to be disappointed with the 12s, they were too BIG! I tried on the 12s...I LOOKED SO HOT! I did not get them. JRo and I are going shopping in a few weeks, so I want to hold off until then.
It is hard to get out of the mindset that my body is a size 16. It really is not the size, I'm a firm believer in that; however, when you have as much weight to lose as me, it's a good measuring tool. I really do think, some days, I still look as big as I did. Then there are the yesterday's when I try on something that makes me look like I've always looked in my head. BEAUTIFUL!
I am so glad to be on this journey.
Posted by Laura at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Made a smoothie for breakfast. Strawberries, bananas, protein powder. For the liquid I tried pinapple juice. GROSS! Sometime my combinations are great, sometimes definitely not. I should have just stuck with water or a touch of milk. Blech.
Posted by Laura at 7:05 AM 1 comments
Smoothie Day
I would not classify myself as a complete failure on trying to do a liquid diet day; maybe just someone who is addicted to eating! I made it until dinner yesterday and then caved. I was so hungry. I know what the deal was...during naptime I did not want to fire up the blender, son #2 desperately needed a nap and I did not want that to wake him. By the end of naptime I was completely starving. The part of the day I did make it through was good. I plan on doing it again, Sunday or Monday. This time I will make it the whole day. I'll make a smoothie before naptime.
I've done great on the workouts this week. Today I will be off to the gym for legs. Cardio will come later this evening. I have a whirlwind of cleaning today, for the baby shower is in the morning. Thank you JRo, in advance, for keeping the boys.
p.s. I weighed myself this a.m., I'm down 3lbs. VERY excited about that.
Posted by Laura at 6:19 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Work and Toil with abundant Joy
This was the verse in mine and Hub's devotion this morning. It really struck me. Enjoy each day to the fullest, for each day is from Him.
Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 (The Message)
After looking at the way things are on this earth, here's what I've decided is the best way to live: Take care of yourself, have a good time, and make the most of whatever job you have for as long as God gives you life. And that's about it. That's the human lot. Yes, we should make the most of what God gives, both the bounty and the capacity to enjoy it, accepting what's given and delighting in the work. It's God's gift! God deals out joy in the present, the now. It's useless to brood over how long we might live.
For you JRo:
Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 (King James Version)
18Behold that which I have seen: it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labour that he taketh under the sun all the days of his life, which God giveth him: for it is his portion.
19Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God.
20For he shall not much remember the days of his life; because God answereth him in the joy of his heart.
Posted by Laura at 8:26 PM 2 comments
Have I mentioned Exhaustion...
All this Olympic activity plus kicking my workouts back up and readying the house has now taken it's toll on me. I can't believe I am actually going to bed. Maybe this will help me possibly getting up early for cardio!
I had another revelation tonight. I am no longer tolerant of average red meats. Great steak, yes. Ground beef in taco salad, no. Although, the salads have been healthy...add in eating spaghetti and BBQ over the weekend...I am a bloated, lethargic mess. I love how I can be so in tune like that with my body now. Maybe tomorrow I will just do a liquid diet to cleanse myself. Sounds good.
Need a funny story before bedtime?
After working out today, Julie brought her kids and my boys back to my house - I was going for my haircut. Naturally, I give her a key to the house. Much later in the day I leave for the grocery store. Shop, get lots of yummy stuff, come home. Shuffle w/ heavy bags to the door. NO KEY! I know exactly where it is, on the counter where Julie left it for me. EERRGG!!! Thank goodness for a fridge in the garage. I call Hubs, he is on his way home...thank you Lord. So the boys and I play in the rain puddles, til Daddy arrives.
Posted by Laura at 8:09 PM 1 comments
I have not lost weight in a few weeks. Very frustrating! I thought I'd lost when I was sick, evidentially I have a great capacity to gain that back. I know we all reach a plateau and then our bodies kick in again, but I'm on a deadline. ACK!
I have started a new workout, and am loving it. I feel a great sense of urgency. Help!
Thoughts? Suggestions? Lipo? ha ha ha Just making sure you were paying attention.
Today, I finally decide to really watch what I eat; I'm STARVING! In a bit I will be off to the store to load up on good snacks and food. Well maybe 1/2 a load, I'm stressing about the baby shower I'm hosting Saturday and that takes alot of my brain power. Good thing I have worked out to give me the boost of energy. Oh, and I had my haircut and hi-lited today, that always makes me work better. Sooo love getting my hair done and sitting under that nice warm dryer. Oh heaven!
Off to the store...
Posted by Laura at 1:17 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Goal / Exhaustion
I have yet to do cardio today AND I have yet to eat something remotely healthy. Ok, the whole wheat eggo waffle w/ PB was decent, that is it.
Since it has been raining, we took our weekly group outing to Pump it Up (bounce house mania) as well as every other kid in Dallas. There were so many people they closed the session and 1/2 our group ended up at the Galleria playing. Those of us who made it in, met the others at the Galleria for lunch. I will sum it up in 2 words - complete chaos. Julie and I were on overload by the time it was over. Add in my coffee, pizza and a coke - no wonder I was in a coma on the couch during naptime. I'm officially sick of doing this to my body with the crap I put in it. So now I have a new goal...
NO cokes or sweets until the end of my transformation. One exception, my anniversary dinner in September...8 years!
There's my ramblings for least until later tonight!
Posted by Laura at 1:34 PM 4 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Taco Salad ramblings
I have been eating Mexican Haystacks, a.k.a. Taco Salad, my whole life. Do you ever learn that it quadruples in your bowl by the time you have it all assembled? I even ate out of a smaller bowl and it was still enormous. Oh well. Just a funny observation.
Posted by Laura at 4:36 PM 1 comments
I'm Back...
Broken Bow was fabulous, even if it was cloudy, rainy, and cool. The lake water was warmer than being in the boat getting drizzled on. Too funny. I did not run while there like I wanted to, but I did do legs on Friday. I was not activity-less while away. I ate as well as I could, I brought my green smoothie ingredients - that definitely helped out.
Today, I hit the floor with a renewed determination. I do want a healthy lifestyle. I do want to accomplish my goal weight. I do want to feel spry and quick. I do want to everyday know how beautiful God made me inside and out. I could go on and on.
I still need to make a menu for this week, so I can best accomplish eating clean meals. ACK! But I started off the week w/ a great workout.
Arms - worked them so good. Sore yet Julie?
Cardio - 25 min on treadmill. Not my best cardio, but I did looking back.
Meals -
Eggo w/ peanut butter
salad w/ tuna
Yet to be had:
taco salad
I'm so glad for autosave. I just fat fingered the keyboard and thought I'd lost all the above. Mildly aggravating...
Posted by Laura at 1:58 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Off to the Lake
We are off! Wish me luck, that I get in some good jogging and one leg day, eat reasonably I stuff a donut in my face! ha ha ha
'Til I return. Have a wonderful weekend my dear friends!
Posted by Laura at 6:44 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
We are going to the lake for a long weekend. Yesterday I made my spaghetti sauce for the night we are to prepare dinner. Naturally, we had spaghetti for dinner last night. I was good and used whole grain pasta, and used a small plate for me to eat off of. Even that little bit was almost pasta carb overload for me. Great! I can just imagine a whole weekend of feeling that way. Today, I will be heading to Sam's to get extra salad mix for me to eat with all my meals, plus my green smoothies. I am thankful for not always wanting carb laden meals anymore.
More after my workout...
Today I began a new workout for the next 3 months, thanks JRo. Arms, were first up, such a good hurt. Julie has been working out some with me - it is really fun to have someone there to work with. I tell her everytime how much I hate her b/c she does not really sweat - not fair. I pour buckets, and she does not even have a drop. Oh well! One last thing...naturally in the middle of my workout I get called to the Kids Klub, Graham pooped. So out to the car to get a diaper, change him, then back to business. Of course he'd save it 'til we were out!
Ran to Sam's afterwards, then home to treadmill. I let the boys play in the driveway - found a great way to get lunges in - drew roads w/ chalk on the concrete. Whew! Got on the treadmill, made it through a third of the workout and quit. Too hot and way too much of lunch wanting to come up. BUT I got out there. I will do it again early in a.m. before we leave for lake, then I won't have food in my belly, forbidden food at that!
p.s. I got a glimpse of some new definition in my arms today. They are so pretty!
Posted by Laura at 6:41 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
another jewelry post
If you look real close you can see the tick marks on the inside.
Posted by Laura at 7:11 PM 4 comments
I did not get up early this morning, stayed up too late watching Olympics...worth it.
I did not go to they gym this morning, chose to spend precious time w/ JRo.
I did not eat all that clean today.
I did not stick to "no cokes." ERG!
I DID go to the gym at 5pm, shuffled the kids to kids klub, fumbled around with all the people that left work early to workout, produced a good sweat, and looked Hot in my very fitting workout clothes. I abandoned a full body circuit workout, for basically arms and abs. A gal was hogging the leg press, (whiny voice) and I wanted to use it. It was for the best, my legs are still pretty sore from Saturdays grind.
I may not have done a lot of things I should have - oh I did clean 2 bathrooms, sweep/mop, fold clothes and shower during quiet time - but I did the one thing my body really needed.
I am satisfied. Now back to more Olympics. Can't get enough. You?
p.s. the whole reason I titled it arms; at the gym, doing barbell curls I noticed that my arms are starting to look nice. I can't wait to get that last layer of fat off of them. Good riddance.
Posted by Laura at 6:45 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Back in the Gym
I finally made it back to the gym this evening. It felt good, it's really going to feel good tomorrow. ha ha ha It was great, not too crowded and only a few die hard musle heads. One was using the same jungle gym thing as me and slammed his weights down so hard he shook the thing and I jumped. That really irritated me. Dumb muscle heads, like he's all that. He stunk to high heaven.
Have not weighed yet, maybe tomorrow. I want to get in a good cardio first, and I just don't have energy enough to do it tonight.
Oh, one more thing...when I was doing squats, I was watching my legs. WOW, they are by no means skinny but they are looking thinner. Sweet!
Posted by Laura at 4:43 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Posted by Laura at 6:54 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I wake up this morning and am still "sick." Me and the water closet are becoming best friends! I took a shower this morning and am now wondering if that was a smart idea, I'm so faint. I guess I'll try and eat some toast. Sooo sick of toast.
Anyway, I think there is one and only one advantage to all this...weightloss. I unofficially weighed myself this a.m. Results...172.5. OMG! Still I'd rather not be sick. I'd rather be eating some yummy clean foods than toast and potatoes. The sad part is absolutely nothing is appetizing. I pretty much force myself to even eat the toast. Blech!
Posted by Laura at 6:04 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I had a big ol' post planned for Sunday, then I got sick. It is now Tuesday and I am still sick, and Son #2 threw up all night last night - gross. 3 other families we play with often are sick. I just now looked up symptoms of that crypto virus, sounds all too familiar to what we all have. Seriously, does that parasite have to infect all the fun water things to do during the hottest part of the summer? Not really sure that is what we have, but you never know.
Here is part of what I had planned for my Sunday post:
In getting dressed for church this morning, my options were very limited. I have definitely shrunk at least 2 sizes in all my dress clothes. SWEET! I did mention in an earlier post abt buying new shorts, well I definitely had to go with the size 12's. WOO-HOO. After wearing the 14s around a while, they were way too big. Great feeling. Back to my Sunday clothes...This is what I wore to church this you can see the skirt is quite big. You can't see it in the pick but it was so full, I felt like I had a moo-moo on...
TMI - read on at your own risk!
Don't my boobs look great? JRo and I hired a babysitter Friday so we could shop like girls! I got fitted for a new bra, finally. I had been wearing an uncomfortable 40C. Guess my size now...36C. I about fell out when Claudine (bra specialist) told me that.
Posted by Laura at 2:23 PM 2 comments