Tuesday I had a great bike ride, ate very well.
Wednesday I lifted weights and did the row machine. My dear ol' friend, Knot in Shoulder, is back with a vengeance. I had a deep tissue massage yesterday and an adjustment and it is still painful, even after that. I'm going back to the chiro tomorrow. I am beyond frustrated, and now the pain is almost bringing me to tears. ERG!
Today, Thursday, I am supposed to be running with JRo this morning - we'll see how that goes. I may just have to walk fast.
That is my boring update!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mid-week Checkin
Posted by Laura at 5:34 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Today has been such a great day all around. Son #2 and I hung out at the house while big brother was at preschool. We went to the gym afterwards. Julie and I killed it. We got home around 4:15, the boys watched Huffalump's Halloween special while I did the prep for dinner, then out the door at 4:55 for a 2 mile walk. Son #1 rode his bike and brother in the stroller. We went the way where we had to go up the daunting hill and Son rocked it up w/o any help; and what used to be a hard 2 mile walk for me was a breeze. We were finished in less than 30 minutes. Sweet!
So today I got in my weights and cardio. I feel great and can enjoy my evening by the fire!
Posted by Laura at 5:44 PM 1 comments
Breakfast in a Blender
Ok, this recipe is in my Eat Clean Cookbook. I had not tried it until JRo made it for me. It tastes like a nilla wafer that has been getting yummy gooey in banana pudding. Which is in my top 3 favorite desserts. Here's the recipe:
1 scoop protein powder - i use vanilla
1/3 C dry oatmeal
2/3 C milk, soy milk, almond milk, etc.
1 T natural nut butter
1 frozen banana
2 T unsweetened applesauce
1 T flax seed
1 T wheat germ
1/2 ice cubes
Blend all ingredients.***
All of these items are staples in my pantry so I can always make this. I don't have wheat germ, but it's not lacking w/o it. I'll get some eventually.
This morning I doubled the recipe. I had one and the boys drank theirs on the way to school.
***Calories 275
C from fat 31
Protein 8g
Carbs 55g
Dietary Fiber 6g
Sugar 28g
Fat 3g
Sodium 37mg
Posted by Laura at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Am I Getting Better?
This has been a great weekend, busy but fun and I did all my workouts.

Posted by Laura at 6:03 PM 2 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Yesterday morning got up early to get to JRo's for the garage sale we were having. It is so easy to eat junk food when doing something like that. We managed to keep it very healthy! Yea us! I had to leave for a bit to take Son #1 to gymnastics. While there I got my run in. It was great. 2.03 miles in 27min. Walking 2min running 6min. I'm not so worried about my time, right now, I just want to be getting the cardio in and actually having my HR up and pounding.
We had a fun day! Now for my w/o today...I'll get back to you on that this afternoon!
Posted by Laura at 5:15 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Hump Day
Well we did the much antcipated leg work-out today. If I thought anything else was hard, this beat it all. Julie and I managed to do all the burpees, but that was insanely rough. I feel very powerful at the moment. Plus I did all this after a 20 minutes on the row machine. Wow, my shirt was soaking just after doing that...imagine how wet I was after weights.
I have to share...Julie actually had damp hair today! The girl who never sweats, had damp hair. YEA! Of course, mine was dripping it was so wet.
Tomorrow, cardio. Depending on my legs are in the a.m.; it will be either once or twice.
Posted by Laura at 1:52 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Well this morning I got up and rode at 6:15am. It was chilly. I need to invest in some longer bike shorts! It was an ok ride. My avg mile was about the same time. But my legs killed the whole time. I think I was still reeling from my run the night before. But I did it and felt great after.
This afternoon Julie and I met at the gym and swam. WHEW! It was a very good workout. We did laps, coupled with running in the pool. I have not swam in sooo long, but it felt great to be in the water. Even better to sit in the hot tub after. Thanks Julie.
Leg day tomorrow...here we go!
Posted by Laura at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Watch Out
Boy do I feel conqueress! Not sure that is a word, but I don't care. I am just in from a run, yep, hubs let me go in the dark. For those of you who know him personally, you may now get up off the floor! I do need to invest in some reflective gear. ANYWAY, I'm still doing the 5/2.5 split. It was much better this time. The last run I went 6 minutes...I was on a street and told myself I could not stop until I got to the end. It's a long street!
I have been trying to make myself run on actual ground and not the treadmill. Huge difference. I am not near as fast, but that will come. Plus, I'm not doing it for speed. I'm trying to gain endurance and melt some fat off along the way.
Today Julie and I started the next phase in our weight training. This will definitely put us to the test. I am already dreading leg day on Wednesday when we get to do Burpee's for the first time. I can only imagine what my jiggly butt will do to the muscleheads! HA HA HA HA HA I make myself laugh.
On the food front...MUCH improved today. And 2 green smoothies. Keep it movin'!
Ok, the long awaited closet pics. When I have told you all I did not have anything to wear I was NOT lying. It may look like alot, it's just a bunch of junk.
The only shirt that truly fits is the blue one in front, it still has tags on it.
A pair of shorts, jeans, and a dress. A coat that will fit me this year, and hasn't for several.
Posted by Laura at 6:11 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Great Start
Well I have a great start to my week already. After church today, the boys had to wait on lunch while I rode my bike. It was a great ride, and I felt energized afterward. This afternoon we went on a long family walk, not quite so vigorous, but hilly. So, I got my 2 cardio workout in for cardio day. I look forward to starting the next phase of my weight training tomorrow. Ready Julie?
JRo and I went shopping Saturday morning. Great fun, and I got a few new pieces of workout clothing...still no day clothes, but that will come. JRo's pics of her closet have prompted me to want to do the same of mine. I'll get to that tomorrow. I'm just too lazy to do it now. It is quite humorous at the sad lack of attire. But you'll get to see my junky shelves!!!
I'm ready for a powerful, energized, fulfilling week. Are you?
Posted by Laura at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
So I did legs yesterday, then ran today. I can barely move right now. I'm wondering what in the world I will do for my 2nd cardio today. I don't think I could even pedal my bike. Maybe some walking on the treadmill with stretches, we'll see.
Food, been doing great. Next few weeks I will be on a strict eating plan, but that will be good for me. I'm excited to see what the next few weeks will bring. Then I will need to get another goal set up for myself. AFTER JRo and I have our shopping weekend in San Marcus, and spoiling at Susan's in College Station. So can't wait for that.
Off to have BFL chili w/ the fam. It is sooo good, amazing that it is good for me as well!
Posted by Laura at 4:19 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Well JRo, your stalking me for today is done. I did cardio tonight. Even though I use the term cardio loosely, I did it. Chiro has me off running until end of this week. So unless I do cardio early in a.m. or afternoon, I'm limited to the treadmill at night. No way hubs would let me walk the neighborhood by myself in the dark. Anyway, walking on the treadmill is equivalent to maybe poking a toothpick in your eye. So boring. I did some hills, etc. It's done.
Tomorrow I will be more productive in my workouts, cardio and leg day. I am also going to find some sort of cardio intervals I could do in my yard or the trail behind my house to really mix up and make cardio fun. I say this b/c the next 4 weeks my cardio will be drastically amped up.
Here we go...
Posted by Laura at 6:13 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Mental Images
What an emotional day for me...this was blogged through a rainfall of tears...
The past few days, oh maybe a week. I have really been struggling with mental images and thoughts of myself. First being, "Am I really going to make my 50lb deadline?" Yes, I have become quite stressed over it. No reason to, it will be a tough 4 weeks; BUT, I am "me" and that means I will do it. My thoughts are trying to trick me again, in that I have not really done that much to begin with - what makes me think I can make it all they way to 50.
***Stop yelling at me*** I have done alot. There is a reason I titled this post the way I did.
I just finished watching Biggest Loser, the Wednesday show, from last week. Forgot it was there. Well, I cried through the whole thing. Most days I wake up and get on with my workout and day as I would normally live life. Not even nodding to the fact I have lost a lot of weight. I used to think even to lose 20lbs was a big deal. I've lost 30ish, and now think I have not really accomplished anything. WHAT! That kind of thinking will hinder my journey to 50.
On the days when I feel smokin' hot, I think..."Well I probably still pretty much look the same, no one even really notices." Serious. Here is where my mental images really start to mess me up. Before I even lost a 1/2 lb, my mental image of at least my face was how it looks right now...slim, rosy cheeks, bright eyes, sparkling smile...that was far far from how I looked in reality and even from what I saw in the mirror. Now, my physical image looks like that mental image and my mental image has become blurry. Who am I? What am I becoming? How will I physically and mentally look when the journey ends?
I have kept one pair of shorts in my starting size, everything else I have shrunk out of is gone from my closet. I am too scared to even try those shorts on because, mental again, I think there really won't be that big a difference when I put them on. Of course there will be, they are 2 sizes bigger than what I am currently wearing.
JRo and I had a quick but good talk (I look forward to discussing further JRo) this morning. I have 4 weeks left and the lbs I need to lose will be tight. I can do it. She encouraged me and gave me a few good pointers. I really needed that. I am a very determined gal; if I set my mind to it I am going to do - do not step in the way you might get hurt. Somewhere very deep down I think there has been a voice really questioning/doubting if I could really pull this off. Maybe that voice is getting in my way - BE GONE! JRo even flattered me last week by blogging about me living this out right in front of her.
As I have said over and over, I know my inside is going to change far more than my physical appearance. And for that, I will be truly blessed. There were alot of things rotting under the cobwebs that needed to be bleached out.
My journey is not really ending in 4 weeks, it is just beginning.
Posted by Laura at 12:58 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Now Relax Your...
My chiro tells me to relax a certain spot so she can adjust it. I told her that always makes me laugh. Me? Relax? ha ha ha She gave me a great adjustment today. I can actually take a deep breath without having a stabbing pain in my back. She told me no running, BAH! I refuse to get so desperate I have to use the elliptical!
Today I got my happy butt on the treadmill and worked some serious hills to get my heartrate up, since I can't run. It worked. I have recently noticed something new about my heartrate. It is alot lower and I have to work harder to get it higher. DUH! I've lost alot of weight. Well, Wednesday I look forward to hitting the weights again.
JRo, in answer to the headache thing...I've had very few since I started my journey. And that was mainly during my period. Amazing. I am still careful of things that trigger it. Naturally, having cut sweets out of my diet has helped tremendously.
Today I was squating over for something and caught a glimpse of my legs. WOW! They are really starting to trim down. Very exciting!
Posted by Laura at 5:27 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Cleanse Day 7
FINALLY! I slurped my last few slurps about 2 hours ago. So the final final will be tomorrow morning when I weigh. I'm pretty sure I've lost at least 7 lbs.
The detox was going along smoothly until Day 4, when it all fell apart and I got sick. I started feeling better on Day 5, but still had very very low energy and appetite. My temp had remained normal until today. It was back up. AND my shoulder/rib hurts sooo sooo bad. I don't know if it is coincidence that I was doing the detox, went to the chiro and it released terrible toxins in my body causing me to feel that way; or, I started the detox and just happen to come down with something. All I know is, it has been very frustrating. I will try the detox again, near my journey's end...but probably with apprehension. It is just too hard being low on energy being a woman, wife, mother, exercise enthusiast, etc.
I have dearly missed my workouts. My last one was Wednesday. That makes me want to cry. Tomorrow I will see the chiro again and lay it out for her. I can't continue to be adjusted and be in almost worse pain than when started. I know I was real out of whack, but this is seriously affecting even small everyday things.
All in all, the detox was good and would definitely reccommend to people. I just had a lot of stuff playing against me for it to work the most efficient way. Amy ended the week feeling energized, maybe I will next time.
I'm off to bed. I've had a headache for 3 days and I am really getting annoyed with it. BAH!
Posted by Laura at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I still have about 1/2 of my cleanse left to drink for today. AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!
Tomorrow morning is going to be rough! Especially since I ate fajitas for dinner. Good thing I was blabbing so much w/ Jen that Paul had eaten most of them by the time I got around to my first one!
Was that your secret ploy to not get me to eat Richard, Jen and Paul? ha ha ha
Posted by Laura at 8:26 PM 1 comments
Cleanse Day 6
Today has been by far the roughest day. Probably because I was sick yesterday and completely bloated. I woke up this morning cramping. I'm not cramping anymore, but am getting a thorough clean out. Of what, I am not sure since I have barely eaten!
It's funny how being sick and laying around makes you more tired. I am so ready to get back to cardio and the gym. I think tomorrow I will start back cardio and the gym on Monday.
Lastly, today I went to Wal-Mart to look for some workout shirts. I love their Athletic Works brand, for shirts at least. Anyway, decided to try on a few other things. Got a great shirt in royal blue, that looks incredible on me and it's a medium. Sweet! Also, I tried on a pair of pants in size 12, too big! Sweet! I did not spoil that by trying on a smaller size. I really do want to wait and buy the bulk of clothing when I have reached my goal. My one pair of jeans will have to do for now.
It's funny, the shirt I am wearing today is a pretty purple - yes you know the one - and I think hey it's a little big but still shows my curves. It's an XL. When I tried on the medium top I was like WOW, I really do look good! ha ha ha Amazing how our minds try to trick us into believing things that are not real! Stupid mind, I'll bet you yet!
Posted by Laura at 1:00 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Cleanse Day 5
Well today did not start out so well. Last night around 7:30pm my temperature was 101, and my back was killing me. I went to bed w/ some water and a heating pad and slept restlessly until 9:30 this morning. I can't remember the last time I slept that long.
At first, I was not going to do the cleanse today. Then after thinking about it for a few hours, I decided it'd be worse on me tomorrow to have missed a day than if I had done it while not feeling great. The good thing, I guess, I have not eaten much today.
All in all I feel somewhat better. I just wish this headache would leave me alone!
Posted by Laura at 5:01 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Cleanse Day 4
Well the drinking part is completely tolerable. Today, I just feel utterly zapped of emotion/energy/stamina, etc. I don't think it is from the cleanse, more from Son#2 being sick most of the week, less exercise b/c of my shoulder AND I went to the chiro today - got all popped back in place and feel exhausted from that. Turns out the problem in my neck and shoulder is from a rib being out of place. Interesting. All the places that were adjusted have been spewing out toxins all day - that is another good reason I am tired. Oh well.
I'm off to rest for a bit, before finishing the day!
Posted by Laura at 12:26 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Cleanse Day 3
Today was ok. Other than the pizza I had for lunch, everything was good. I do not reccomend having pizza for lunch, then gulping a few gulps of the cleanse. It left me in pain on my bed during naptime. Other than that...it has been an uneventful day.
Posted by Laura at 7:16 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Cleanse Day 2
Today has been ok w/ the cleanse. Yesterday was worse. I'm sure eating at On the Border tonight will not help my case any, oh well, not worried! The taste is not horrible, but not something I'd want to sip on everyday for the rest of my life. I know it tastes like something, when I remember I'll let you know.
On the fitness front, today was fantastic. I pounded the treadmill while sick Son #2 slept and Son #1 played in the driveway. Son #1 told me I was sweating everywhere. DUH! We just laughed together.
Aside from eating at OTB, today has been good. Not a big fan of left-over roasted broccoli, especially when you run after eating it, but the l.o. salmon was fabulous.
Have I ever mentioned how evil Cheeto puffs are? I think they put some form of addicting drug in them. I swear I have been soooo good about avoiding that kind of food. Last night (well it was the day Aunt Flo came) I sat on the couch and ate them straight from the bag. After 3 handfuls, I was so disgusted w/ myself...at least I had the good sense to put them away!
Later, off to watch Biggest Loser
Posted by Laura at 6:09 PM 5 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Cleanse Day 1
Ok, a few items:
I am going to the chiro this week for my neck/shoulder issue. I can't wait. I should have gone when this all first started. I was just for sure it was going to go away. I feel for ya, Ruthie. However, I will be cardioing my heart out in hopes to drip some fat off my body. I noticed over the weekend, even amidst my belly fat rolls, I am starting to get definition there. That was enough to spur me on even further!
Heard of Arbonne? I've known about it for quite some time. Recently, I have really been turned on to it by a teacher at the boys preschool. (www.arbonne.com - so I don't bore you with history). Anyway, the Detox Spa line, has a 7-day Cleanse https://www.arbonne.com/shop_online/showitem.asp?ProductId=7213&menuId=223&withLinks=1. You drink it. This week I am setting aside my green smoothies for this. I will keep you updated on the process and results.
This week also marks, hardcore eating for me. I have been pretty strict anyway, but now will be even more so. It has been 7 weeks since giving up sweets and sodas. I am glad I did it, and I don't really miss it. My journey, the initial weight loss portion, is coming to an end soon; I want to end it with a bang!
Posted by Laura at 1:42 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Worked out this morning, no cardio yet. Today I did the hanging leg raises for the first time. OMG, THOSE ARE HARD!!! The rest of the w/o was pretty much the same, good.
Today after Son #1's gymnastics class, I took him and son #2 plus 2 friends to Hubs office for lunch. We sat and watched construction work, that was fun. Anyway, my point, we drove thru McyD's. Usually I get a grilled snack chick wrap and tea. Today I decided, why not? I'll get my old usual. Quarter Pounder w/ cheese. There is a reason I do not eat those anymore. YUCK! Not to mention the sodium bloat I've got from it. After all the kids are gone and down for naps. You better believe my butt will be hitting the couch; dumb how one silly thing can really bring you down!
Posted by Laura at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I'm up (UPDATED)
Finally got up this morning and ran. I can barely breathe from my cold, but I ran anyway. Man, it felt great. I'm sooo much better at running in the mornings, why did I ever stop getting up early? I'll be off to the gym later today....
I skipped the gym since 90% of the exercises involved my shoulder. I'm going for another massage tomorrow and hopefully that will loosen it up the rest of the way. Sure am glad I got up and ran! Now to get my tail to the grocery store...we are even out of cheesesticks to munch on!
Posted by Laura at 5:10 AM 0 comments