Monday, September 15, 2008


I don't even remember the day I gave them up...I guess I could go back and look...found it. Wow! It was a longer ago than I thought. Almost at 4 weeks, no wonder I am having withdrawals. Which brings me to...
Tonight at dinner, the boys had brownie bites for dessert (we were at a hamburger joint), they looked soooooo sooooo soooooo good. I have so been jonesin' for a sweet. But, always, after my tom I am. I withheld. But it still looked good. It is even more fun not to have them, b/c my hubs - as he stuffs his face w/ sweets, tells me how proud he is of me that I am not having them. Last night he even ate a huge bowl of ice cream in front of me...nothing! I told him he better enjoy it because come morning I was dumping the rest of it. I don't think he believed me, boy will he be surprised when he goes looking for it! ha ha ha