Monday, September 29, 2008


I wouldn't say I have a cold, just clogged and faucet all at the same time. Nice. So I took Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. Sunday we went on a family bike ride, that was mild cardio. We had a great time. Funny when you are stopped up salads, good snacks, and all that stuff does not go down well. So my eating has lacked a little, but I'm not upset about it. Still no cokes or sweets. Cokes are always good for a cold!!!

Today I am heading back to the gym, but will probably take it easier than I really want to. That and my neck is still mildly stiff. It is becoming annoying. I am having another massage this week, hopefully that will help.

This week I must ramp back up on my cardio, if it kills me. What good is being toned if I'm not fit cardio-wise. I don't want to just sit and look pretty, I have 2 boys to keep up with. Being pretty doesn't hurt, but that does not shape who I am as a person.


Ruthie said...

sorry to hear about your cold. hope your 100% soon :)

great job getting back to it :)
