Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Finally, got my rear out there and ran tonight. I am sitting here dripping, trying to cool off so I can shower. I ran 2.52 miles avg abt a 13 min mile. Ok, but I was out there AND I kept saying... Relax and Run. By my last 8 min run (I did 8/2 split) I was feeling really good. So the last 2 minutes I bump up the speed, last minute even faster. By the end I really could have kept going. Yea! All in all it was a good run.

Now, some of you may know how fiercely determined I can be, and you can see the physical change in my face. Guess what, it's back. The last couple weeks have been hard training/goal wise, and the last few days very hard emotionally for several different reasons - my goal/weightloss/my self view being one of them. Funny, Alison called me today and left me a voicemail "I was just calling to chat, encourage you not that you need it you are doing so well..." Little did she know - I did need it. Anyway, tonight while I was running the blinders came flipping back into place. So here I am, front and center meeting my goal/challenge/life face on.

I can do all thing through Christ who give me strength. Phil 2:14


JRo said...

You go girl. Finish that race that has been set before you!