Thursday, September 11, 2008

A First...

I have had such a fun day! Dropped the boys at preschool, then took them to Grandma's house for an overnight, THEN got to shop w/ JRo at the JBF consign sale. So fun. I really did not have a well rounded meal all day. On my way home tonight, abt 9:15, I was thinking of all the places I could drive through on the way home, NONE of them sounded good. Seriously, fast food not sounding yummy? I ended up with a nice healthy delicious Subway sammy. I never thought I'd see the day I'd want something completely healthy over some grease food!

I must say, I desperately want a coke, I mean real bad. I did not cave, it would be too sweet anyway.

My neck still hurts. Tomorrow is leg day, so I will go and do what I can.


Christy@pipandsqueak said...

So did you get a lot of good stuff at JBF? I did not see you. I was there from about 6:30-9:45. The line was about 90 minutes and it got a lot longer after I was in it.

Laura said...

Girl, I was there at 4pm and left at 9pm. Spent about 130 and got some good things. I stood in line for about and hour. Whew! The main thing I did was sprint to the Bob jog stoller for my s-i-l, it was $100, sweet deal. I'll go back for the 1/2 price.