Friday, August 28, 2009

Skipped the Gym

Today I skipped the gym. I am exhausted and Ethan was up alot last night. PLUS this week alone I have started:
1. getting up at 5:15am
2. Ethan beginning elementary school
3. working out - fire is back!

Isn't that enough big stuff to start in one week? All that to say, the gym just had to go today. However, I did go walking. Not even, Graham pooping his undies when dropping off Ethan stopped me. We came home, changed, and out we went. Satan will not destroy me. He was trying to feed me lots of reasons to even do away with the walk. Nope, not today dude!

Lastly, I love me my JRo. Truly a wonderful gift sent from God. Thanks for coming over to play this morning.


JRo said...

Ah! Thank you friend!

And congrats for keeping Satan from your joy this morning! ;)