Wednesday, August 26, 2009


After Ethan was dropped off at school, I had G in the jogger and we went for a walk. That part of the neighborhood is nice and hilly, plus I was already at a nice glisten from the walk to school. I lvoe being able to walk him to school, but the heat makes it almost unbearable. We have been walking home in the afternoons and I'm sweating almost as much a cardio workout. I figure all this sweat is good for me. Gotta be burning something off! Plus, E and Becca really love the walk - as well as the little brothers, even if they are in strollers.

So this week has been off to a good start. And I finally got a good thing going with my meals. I plan 2 weeks of meals at a time, each week repeats itself. By the second week, most of the dinners are already cooked and waiting in the freezer. SWEET!


leighann said...

Wow! Two weeks is impressive. I try to do a week at a time and that works pretty well. I'm always lookng for good reciepes that freeze! Please share!

JRo said...

Yeah! She is back! ;-)