Saturday, July 5, 2008

I did not weigh-in yesterday morning. I know I have gained a pound. Considering the stress of this past week, is pretty good. I completely bombed on my "no sweets" until the scrap weekend. That darn cookie bouquet was the devil himself taunting me, enticing me; but, it was ooohhh soooo good! I have kept with my "no soda" rule. The night hubs was in the hospital, I called JRo telling her how bad I wanted one. She and I talked me out of it - thank you. It would have only made me feel even more bloated. Speaking of bloated...I now know when I am that ridiculously bloated its STRESS! I've got enough to share if you'd like any...

This week will definitely be challenging. I am taking myself and the boys to my parents house in Houston. I have to keep the mindset of training and weightloss, with a little relaxation. I have alot of ground to cover since last week I gained a lb. This week I need at least 3lbs. ACK! I will be taking my own bike, instead of using my Dad's, and I think that will help keep me motivated. Plus, the greenbelts are so much fun to ride on...take me back to being a kid. AND, my li'l bro lives there; so his happy butt will be riding with. After all, he's doing the duathlon with me and I know he has not started training - even if it is in November.

Also, this week, I need to hit my core training hard. That will be tough in Houston, but I could use a little challenge while I am gone. That's all for brain is just too fried.

Do you want to see the cutest boys in the world? We walked in the neighborhood 4th parade. It was HOT HOT HOT! I counted it as cardio for the day, I was dripping sweat!


JRo said...

First, get those stinking cookies out of your vision! Next, take that stress... out on the bike or the treadmill. I LOVE stress relieving workouts. They are always the most amazing, self revealing, workouts I have. I always seem to be able to push past the pain, because it is something I can control in those hard times. PUSH.