Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Physical Therapy for me

Today I had my consultation for my shoulder and elbow. Shoulder basically has tight muscles and needs to be stretched ALOT! Elbow - a stretched or inflammed tendon (sad i can't remember what he said) which is causing the throbbing, pain, and even irritating the nerve running down my ulna to my 3rd and 4th digits. Therapy will be some exercises, ultrasound, and continuing my anti-inflammatory meds. 2x a week for 4 weeks. Hopefully this will do the trick.

Until further notice, I am off upper body weights. That doesn't mean I can't bust out some major leg and butt exercises, along with some serious cardio. This is my plan.

That's my physical mess. My emotional mess is sssooo much more involved. In short, I am missing my dear daughter Selah, Ethan is struggling with frustration, I'm exhausted from getting the new school routine down, and I really am desiring God's best for my life and my family's thus I am having to go through some very tough growing pains. BAH!

And with that, the house is completely quiet. I am going to enjoy it on the couch with magazine or two.


Ruthie said...

oh I LOVED the ultrasound therapy i had on my back :) it felt GREAT! glad you went to the therapist! they will make you all better :)

cool news is that you CAN build some serious muscle in that lower body and as I have heard it said somewhere "build a fat burning machine!" :)...
way to go on not letting this hold you back!

hang in there! God has a plan :)

JRo said...

That is right! Keep that lid on that trunk, and make it a fat burning fuel devouring machine! Get to it girl.. make that booty, that much more rockin'!