Saturday, May 23, 2009


Ruthie posted a comment for me..."wondering how you are."

I've been thinking for a week about what to post, about the 28 day challenge, etc. Well in the past 2 weeks here are things that have been going on:
1. counselor really wants me to start/continue grieving the loss of Selah. A week ago, told me journal my feelings about Selah, pregnancy, losing her, etc. Before I saw the counselor, I had at least made a list of 6 things that I knew were waiting for me to begin a process of working through. But actually doing it was going to require ALOT of emotional energy. But it is time I do it.
2. the very next night I had a complete breakdown over buying a swimsuit...see #1. I guess I'm starting the process, but did not expect it this way
3. got in a very minor accident, not hurt; but the lady took off when I was trying to get her information. However, I got her tags and called the cops.
4. the very next day after the hit and run...our house was robbed. Yes, as in burglary!

My emotions have shrunk back in faster than a turtle. Hubs and I have talked ALOT in the past few days, about all the above items. Needless to say, I'm working on finding a fitness journey that can encompass all that is going on. It is quite hard.

Do you remember the bracelet I wore last summer during all my weighloss? If I can dig thru my archives I'll find the picture. Anyway, today I bought a new one. I think that is my start right there...

More very very soon, I promise.


Ruthie said...

praying for you... be patient with yourself :)


Christy@pipandsqueak said...

Laura, I am so sorry you had such a horrible week. I am saying a prayer for you.

JRo said...

Patient for sure... All about progress, as you and Ruthie keep screaming at me! ;)

Amy said...

Wow. What can I say. Sometimes the Lord just pushes us to the limit to push us onto our knees. His strength is most evident when we are at our weakest. Hang in there. Definitely praying for you guys.