Tuesday, June 9, 2009


WOW! Alot has been going on the past week, from planning G's 3rd birthday party to helping Paul get the duplex ready for new renters...hope we find some soon. Anyway, I've been thinking about stuff, one being the routine Julie and I have been doing for a couple months. It's supposed to be a 3 month plan, but has taken us quite a bit longer.

Now being in the homestretch, it is getting increasingly hard to make certain days, it's summer, putting us further behind. I felt we were trying to finish it for the sake of not quitting. We've discussed it, and we are going to put that plan aside and begin our summer routine we found. It will allow us more freedom, if we can't make it to the gym, we can still do it at home or wherever we are. THAT is what we need right now. This actually pumps me up and am very excited about starting it. I think I needed that, I was getting weighed down by our other one.

One last final thought. I final put real words to my eating. I really am not doing it out of emotions, it is more control. So much has happened the last several months that are completely out of my control...eating is not. I can control every single good thing and bad thing that goes in my mouth. In that control I have given myself freedom to be overdulgent, self indulgent, and will completely justify it. WOW! Ssssooooo guess what I am going to be working on?


Ruthie said...

I LOVE the new blog look! :)

great post! cant wait to see what your workouts are :) .... I of course.. feel you on the eats front... eats for me is WAY harder than workouts :) ..

Loved your post! ..

:) happy Summer!!!!

Amy said...

Heehee...I'm the opposite. Eating well is generally not an issue and I LOOOOVVVEEEE to cook! But working out...sheesh. I can't think of the last time I did that. I'm just not motivated. Wouldn't even know where to start.