Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Brain Activity while Biking

I got up at 6am today to ride, was out the door by 6:10pm. I told Paul last night to make sure my butt was out of bed since I had slept in the day before. After my alarm went off, he asked me if I was going to ride b/c he had to go in to work early and needed to leave in 45 min. Of course, I had 50 questions for him - in my fog brain state. Out of bed I crawled, as I was dressing I turned to him, "Do you really have to leave early or were you just trying to get me out of bed?" He smiled real big. He thinks he is funny; but, he did leave when I got home!

Ssssooooo, off I go. Not even a 1/2 mile in by Garmin battery dies. ERG! Another mile, my legs are tired. Another mile, I am quite irritated with the wind. Another mile I start berating myself for being so stinkin' wimpy and whiny. Another mile, I'm wishing for a riding partner, it's fun; and since my previous one is prego...I'm challenging gal friends who live close to me to ride with me. Another mile, I start thinking about JRo's 40DAy challenge of no sweets. Another mile, I decide I am not pushing myself hard enough and will piggy back JRo's challenge. Another mile and a 1/2, I am home and have settled on my terms of the challenge, legs hurt but feel great, and I am glad I got up and rode.

My challenge:
I don't really eat sweets anymore...
I am giving up soda until July 25th when we leave for the scrap retreat (that is JRo's end date as well)
As of tomorrow morning it will be official!

My brain has been such a hodge podge mess the past few days, that I have not made any goals for this week. I go with my usual 2lbs and 6 days of cardio. Next week I need to step it up a notch. I'm looking into another Tri or Duathlon to compete in to help me get even more focus.

That's all for now!


JRo said...

I'll do a Duathlon as long as there is NO swimming! ;)

How fun that I have a no sweet buddy!