Saturday, June 28, 2008

Weighing the Week

I'm pretty happy with my weight loss this week, as I sigh. I just do not feel "great" this week. I am constantly bloated and tired of it. Maybe the stress of my hubs being sick the past few weeks is causing the bloating, who knows. I definitely think that I could be working harder and pushing harder and striving for more. Well today begins the new week, so that is what I will do.

I am on track with my weight loss and when my goal date is. I have to avg 2.12 lbs per week for the next 16.5 weeks. I think that will be relatively easy, considering so far I've had weeks of less and more loss.

I went shopping yesterday with my Mom and sis-in-law. I actually tried on clothes a whole size smaller. That was quite exciting; however, I did not buy anything. I want to wait 5 more lbs, that 20lb mark is my first big goal met. I know at that point I will be able to see the light further in the tunnel. Exciting!!!

I ran on the treadmill again yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised at how long I could go doing the 1 minute walk/1.5 minute run. I swear I must be in someone else's body. I was trucking along nicely until my wrist pulled the emergency stop cord out. That was so frustrating, I lost all concentration. So I walked some hills a little while longer then called it quits.

That's it for now...

Friday, June 27, 2008


I weigh-in in the morning. I'm a little nervous, but I know from my "bug" earlier in the week I've met my weight loss goal for the week. However, as the week has worn on, I've still worked out; but have once again the mass bloated feeling. I'm quite sick of this. What am I doing wrong, or just not doing at all? I think my body has become so sensitive to even the littlest changes, that I can easily feel "off." Make sense, or am I just kidding myself?

I've been saving to start back up meeting w/ the trainer, and I am just not sure that is going to happen. Sooo many great things come with weight loss; but so do many other things (not complaining - just listing), new running shoes, new shoe inserts, new swimsuit, new bras, new work-out bras, new underwear, new work-out clothes, new regular clothes, more of this, more of that...I know there is more to the list, but it's late and I've been awake since 4:45am. All that to say:

I need to restart my core strengthening (have I blogged this already?), and do not know where to begin. HELP! I loved what she was doing with me and could feel a HUGE difference. Oh and did I mention, I don't want her to think I am quitting or not doing what I so gung-hoedly started? Silly, I know - but the last thing I am is a quitter. ERG!

Frustratedly, I'll go to'll hear from me tomorrow on my weigh-in.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Good Morning

I did not ride this morning...BUT I did the treadmill. I decided to go for distance to see how I am fairing for upcoming events. 2 miles was my goal. Halfway in I'm arguing with myself for not trying to alternate with running. I was trying to give myself the excuse that I just got over the bug. Not gonna work. I begin alternating run/walk, seriously? I'm not really in pain? Am I in better shape than I thought? WOW!!! What a great confidence boost for my day.

Regret: 100%...eating that stupid burger last night. My stomach felt almost as bad as it did when I had the bug, plus I got a headache from it. I'm thinking maybe the onions! Well today is a new day, I can start off with better choices!

I need some jams (remember the shorts?), tunes...what's in your iPod?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


What is it after being sick you feel the need for a greasy burger? Since I have not eaten in 2 days, I'll cut myself some slack on the Sonic burger - I could not even eat all of it. Hey, at least I've stuck to my no cokes.

Tomorrow I will hit it hard again on cardio. I feel pretty much 100%, we will see. It's hard having 2 days off, makes it that much easier to NOT get back out there. There are no options here, I will be on my bike by 6:15a.m.

I am excited to announce, that I need a smaller size in the swimsuit I work out in! YIPPEE!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Stomach Bug

Well a stomach bug has made its way through every member of our family - except for Paul he's having a flare up from his colitis. We joked that maybe he had it to, but we wouldn't know it! Needless to say, I have done nothing since my ride yesterday morning, sure am glad I did that. The good news, I've lost 3lbs since my Saturday weigh-in. Also, I already have my meals planned and food purchased for this week. That is a huge bonus.

I have more to say, but may wait until tomorrow. I'm just too tired.
Thank you Grandma & Grandpa for meeting me and taking the boys, it has been nice and quiet!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


So stress does play a large part in my weightloss/gain; and the whole monthly thing. This past week has been very stressful for Paul and I for several different reasons. I've worked just as hard and ate fairly closely to my plan. However, I am rising above my 1/2 lb gain. If it gets me down I will not be able to move forward as quickly!

This week I will bump my cardio to double, be very strict with my eating and hopefully lose 3lbs. Granted I can lessen the stress.

I have really been wanting to do another Tri, I hem and haw around it and never really commit to anything. Well I am admitting for you all to know, the swim is frightening! I did it before so why am I completely freaking myself out? I think it's I did not swim as well last time, nor the stroke I wanted to do and I am letting that hold me back. Not anymore, I'll find a race to do. I am still doing the Duathlon as well.

I've started the week off well, I rode this morning and Niki even went with me! YEA!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I am excited to have a goal for a race. I will be doing a Duathlon in November. The best part - both of my brothers will be doing it with me. So very excited about that.

I have really been working hard on cardio this week; but, I'm not so sure I will have lost any weight. That is frustrating...we shall see on Saturday.

Next week I have got to get back to my strength training as well! Off to bed, 6:15am ride comes so dreadfully early!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Brain Activity while Biking

I got up at 6am today to ride, was out the door by 6:10pm. I told Paul last night to make sure my butt was out of bed since I had slept in the day before. After my alarm went off, he asked me if I was going to ride b/c he had to go in to work early and needed to leave in 45 min. Of course, I had 50 questions for him - in my fog brain state. Out of bed I crawled, as I was dressing I turned to him, "Do you really have to leave early or were you just trying to get me out of bed?" He smiled real big. He thinks he is funny; but, he did leave when I got home!

Ssssooooo, off I go. Not even a 1/2 mile in by Garmin battery dies. ERG! Another mile, my legs are tired. Another mile, I am quite irritated with the wind. Another mile I start berating myself for being so stinkin' wimpy and whiny. Another mile, I'm wishing for a riding partner, it's fun; and since my previous one is prego...I'm challenging gal friends who live close to me to ride with me. Another mile, I start thinking about JRo's 40DAy challenge of no sweets. Another mile, I decide I am not pushing myself hard enough and will piggy back JRo's challenge. Another mile and a 1/2, I am home and have settled on my terms of the challenge, legs hurt but feel great, and I am glad I got up and rode.

My challenge:
I don't really eat sweets anymore...
I am giving up soda until July 25th when we leave for the scrap retreat (that is JRo's end date as well)
As of tomorrow morning it will be official!

My brain has been such a hodge podge mess the past few days, that I have not made any goals for this week. I go with my usual 2lbs and 6 days of cardio. Next week I need to step it up a notch. I'm looking into another Tri or Duathlon to compete in to help me get even more focus.

That's all for now!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Wrapping up the week

I switched my "free" day from Saturday to Friday this week. B/F Pam is in town, and I know we will be eating our way through it - there are lots of restaurants here they do not have in Seattle. There are several of her favorite places I know she dearly misses...can you imagine not having a Sonic Happy Hour? (she grew up in Coppell)

Yesterday I sweated w/ the old ladies and Alison in water aerobics. I think they are finally getting used to me splashing everywhere! Have I mentioned yet that Charlotte (the instructor, abt my Mom's age) definitely sets me at a higher standard than the others. Alison gets a big kick out of it - you won't be pregnant forever! ha ha ha It is actually good because I do work harder and jump higher, etc.

This morning I got up, 6:20am, and worked in on the treadmill.

I am feeling so much better about my cardio. It is clicking and I can tell I am advancing. About 2 days ago I was cooling off on my bed and I noticed that my stomach wasn't bulging while laying on my back. OMG! That hasn't happened in forever. Little things like that are definite motivation. Also, some work out clothes I wore last summer when training for the tri, fit better; not so tight in the waste, shirts hang prettier...I feel so pretty! I love it.

Lastly, since I switched days I weighed this morning. (drum roll) I lost THREE pounds this week. WWWWWOOOOOOO-HHHHHOOOOOOO

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sweaty, party of 1

Since I decided my bed was better than the bike this morning - I fixed dinner and jetted to the road while the boys ate.

I went my usual route, but decided at my normal turning point to go straight. I do not like going the straight way b/c on the turn around there is a slow incline for about 1/2 mile a stop sign, then a steep short hill. (if you could see the "hill" you'd laugh, it's not that huge but for some reason since I started riding last summer have a mental thing with it.) So I did it, but when I turned around the wind almost blew me over. I can not believe how strong it was today. Let me back up...about 3/4 a mile before I hit the turn around 2 slim bike guys go zooming past me! I'm struggling to keep 13mph, they were going at least 20 - I'm guessing. So I let it get to me for about 30 seconds, and then realize...they have at least 27 speeds I have SEVEN, I trained for a triathlon on SEVEN. I'd like to see them do that...I hit the turn around, make it up the incline and push through on the little hill. Only to be passed by another, hulking, biker. I press on. I then decide to turn down my usual route and add more distance. THE WIND THE WIND! The whole 4 miles home I struggle to keep 10mph and I am really working it. I made it home!
8.27 miles in 46 and change minutes. A little slower than I like, but I persevered through the wind.

I really like biking. I give myself little goals along the way...crank it up that hill, full speed until Arapaho, etc. It works for me, letting me keep the blinders in place, never veering off course.


off to shower and EAT

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

On the Wagon and driving it

I'm full swing back on the bandwagon. I had a great workout today, and it felt wonderful. The first part was water aerobics, which you know I modify to get more cardio out of it. I am pretty sure the lady in front of me was not happy about me splashing so much. It was getting her nicely fluffed hair and make-up wet! Oh well, had to splash off her perfume. Seriously, I hate it when women wear 1/2 a bottle to the gym. GAG!

Paul and I were discussing last night the ways we could save gas. During my w/o today, I had a great idea...on the days I am not swimming or meeting with the trainer, I will ride my bike w/ the boys in the trailer to the 24 Hour that is closest to me. Fabulous. I smart!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Week 6 - Get With It!

So I didn't lose a single pound last week. No beating myself up, maybe a little verbal whipping; I will pick my butt up and start the week strong and hard. There WILL be weightloss, there WILL be a good 6 meals each day, there WILL be positivity, and lastly...I am having a fun time doing this.

I like challenges. They force me to push myself, to strive for my goal. To not give up when I have a setback. Challenges make me look inward at myself, evaluate who I am; to be strong from the inside out.

Lessons I learned last week: being out of town means I have to work 200%. I can get too relaxed in my workouts, eating (even though it was not bad), even mentally. I MUST remember this next time I am away.

Now I am ready to go...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Away from Home

Here I am visiting an old friend in College Station. No worries. She worked me out good yesterday. We did basically the some of the same stuff my trainer has me do. I have to admit, because I have been avoiding it, even before I left town I was struggling with my meals. They haven't been horrible, maybe a little, but is completely due to my laziness of not wanting to buy a bunch of food before I left town. LAME LAME LAME I am definitely suffering for it. I will have a nice round of cardio this afternoon, so hopefully that will help some. BAH!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A New Day

It is 7:25a.m. I got up at 6:15, rode my bike, a nice hard ride for 35min. It felt great, I have my cardio out of the way, when I swim today with Alison - that is just bonus. Now I will try for SIX good meals today!

I did water aerobis w/ Alison. We are the youngest people by at least 25 years. It is funny because they all barely make ripples in the water and here we are jumping and running to get our HR up. It is fun and just what I need after biking to expend the rest of my energy.

Today I will rest on the couch for a bit; however, no more laying there the entire nap time! I've got stuff to do!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Serves me right!

It just goes to show...if I don't get my workout completed in the a.m. I'm toast. Not only does my day go better, the life of being a busy Mom can not get in my way. I had every intention of doing cardio when Paul got home. Oh but we swam until 6:15, had dinner with friends, left the restaurant b/c Ethan was crying with a tummy ache, etc. etc. BAH! Shame on me!

Tomorrow I will WIN!

Week 5 begins...

I am that my start this week will be better than I ended it last week. I really feel on a roll, so I'm a little worried this week since I will be out of town most of it. Oh I won't be off the bandwagon as I already know I will eat well and still be doing cardio; maybe it's more my fear of being out of my regular routine. But you know, I have to make it work and plow on.

I was reading my Journey magazine last week (daily devotional mag), and Friday's was entitled "Temple Maintenance." It talked about weight loss, motivation and self-control (aaaahhhhh). She talked about how first and foremost our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, we were bought at a price and we should honor Him with our bodies. Am I able to serve Him, glorify Him, and testify His goodness through my body? WOW, that really hit me. She also talked about the fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23), and how those play into our "temples." This all really made me think about my goals for the week, and my verse:

You were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body
1 Corinthians 6:20

My goals this week:
No less than 2 lb weight loss
Cardio everyday - expending myself
That my body and actions are glorifying to the Lord